Do job titles matter in the long run?

Job titles affect career development choices considerably, according to analysts. Should HR managers and recruiters pay attention to this notion and propose job titles likewise or a hike in salary? Employers need to keep these three points in mind while writing job titles.

Job Titles Matter

Most analysts believe that job titles matter. Most of the 1,500 office workers who were surveyed recently by Office Angels, a recruitment firm found that 70% would opt for a decent job title over a pay hike. The report suggested that clerks would largely prefer to be known as Specialists or would go creative by calling themselves Office Logistics Coordinators. But are there real advantages of having good sounding job title or is it just a gimmick for satisfying vanity?

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Get better results from your job posting

Once you start job posting, it is also important to evaluate the returns you are getting on those postings and change your strategy if required. There are five main points to be keep in mind when you are evaluating the results of your job postings.

  1. Always have keywords in your job titles: When your job titles have keywords, not only are candidates more likely to see them while scrolling through the list of jobs but they are also more likely to show up when the candidates do a keyword search. Most job seekers do a keyword search for location and job title or key skills needed in that job. With the right keywords, your listing can rank high.
  2. …. 

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Create High-impact Job Descriptions as an Effective Recruitment Strategy

Writing a job description is one of the most crucial steps in the hiring process. Good job descriptions are excellent marketing tools for your company and play a pivotal role in ensuring that you recruit some great talent. So if you (like many companies that I know of) think that spending time on creating good job descriptions is not really a sensible investment of time, you are missing out on some great recruitment opportunities.

Recruiting good talent can be a real challenge as the market for talent is extremely competitive. Here are some tips which will help you create high impact job descriptions and give your recruitment efforts a boost.

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